This philia is an up and comer in today's society and many have unwillingly been seduced to the nature of this condition.
Rape and murder. What would certainly be a past no potential partner would agree with, the hybrisophiliac would say otherwise. These people revel in the acts of said beings and long to be in touch with them, literally.
Many psychologists are confused as to why this is becoming a thing, though they theorize that media has a strong relation to it's sudden growth. It has become a fad as of late to make out criminals and genocidal maniacs in movies to be, well quite frankly, attractive.
Another such reason why this may be catching on is due to our unconscious tendencies to find the alpha, the strongest of the group. The murderers display these traits vivaciously.
Charles Manson (Murderer/Rapist) has been recently married, even in prison and his old age.
Loki (Trickster God/Genocide Man) has thousands of fangirls screaming and even some who wish to be dominated sexually, non-consensual like, by him.
Alex DeLarge (famed fictional rapist and murderer) who has spawned many fan clubs hailing his actions in the book and movie,"A Clockwork Orange" as acts of what a true man should be.
Patrick Bateman (cannibal/murderer/rapist/Ted Bundy enthusiast) is the pinnacle of psychotic tendencies, though the basis of the real life crimes and motives don't shove off away from people's attraction to him.