Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Xtra Post

Went to the Pyschiatry: Industry of Death Museum in Hollywood and was unable to take sick shots because it's against the museum's rules though I took one anyway. The museum shows the darkside of psychiatry and psychology and the not so humbling roots of the practices. Diagrams, exhibits, and real medical equipment are all on display and the content of the museum is graphic. The museum is heavily biased so you should keep an open mind if you every find yourself walking amidst their facility.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preparation


1.  I plan to interview my father, because he is my greatest resource into my senior topic. He's an instructor and psych. coordinator whose job is to treat issues that people with developmental and personality disorders may encounter in their life.

2. Questions:

  1. Whether it be a personality disorder, or a developmental disorder, do you feel as though these mental disorders are highly overlooked as a huge issue in America, if not the world? Why?
  2. Of the two and their different diagnoses, personality disorders and developmental disorders, which to you poses the most danger to oneself? 
  3. Of the two and their different diagnoses, personality disorders and developmental disorders, which to you poses the most danger to others and those who may be involved in the consumer's life?
  4. More states in the U.S. are getting accustomed to allowing psychologists the ability to prescribe medication to consumers? How might this be bad? How might this be good?
  5. How difficult is it to keep personal problems and bias out of your professional life, especially during interventions and psychotherapy with consumers?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Working EQ


Clinical Psychology

Is self harm and the harm of others caused more from a personality disorder, or a developmental disorder and how does this affect the way medications are administered today?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Mentorship Component


2. Mark Martinez (626) 716-7536

3. Question's raised:

  • How seriously is mental illness being taken?
  • Are social norms just an illusion to individuality?
  • Is ADHD a real cause for concern?
  • How to identify a sociopath when not in the public eye?
  • Should more people with mental disorders be institutionalized?
4. I gained a more open awareness to the faults of human thinking. I learned first hand the darkness that every mind is enveloped in and is only let out during the times of pure stress. I learned the different aspects of mental disorders and of the certain treatments that can be held in order to intervene the effects from leading to something else. This has led me to conclude that not one person is emotionally above the other and at any given moment or time, one who seems strong is=n their ways can be as easily knocked down a notch.

5. My senior project is going to be over Clinical Psychology/ Forensic Psychology because they intervene with one another. Originally I was going to do film and broadcasting, but after I spent over a month away from it due to travel, I got bored of the same ol' same ol' and wandered in an entirely different direction, one with more concrete results. After time in Africa, I got more interested in human nature and human reaction and decided to follow the footsteps of a family member. After not much thought, I decided I would pursue "the study of the soul" as my senior project.