2. Mark Martinez (626) 716-7536
3. Question's raised:
- How seriously is mental illness being taken?
- Are social norms just an illusion to individuality?
- Is ADHD a real cause for concern?
- How to identify a sociopath when not in the public eye?
- Should more people with mental disorders be institutionalized?
4. I gained a more open awareness to the faults of human thinking. I learned first hand the darkness that every mind is enveloped in and is only let out during the times of pure stress. I learned the different aspects of mental disorders and of the certain treatments that can be held in order to intervene the effects from leading to something else. This has led me to conclude that not one person is emotionally above the other and at any given moment or time, one who seems strong is=n their ways can be as easily knocked down a notch.
5. My senior project is going to be over Clinical Psychology/ Forensic Psychology because they intervene with one another. Originally I was going to do film and broadcasting, but after I spent over a month away from it due to travel, I got bored of the same ol' same ol' and wandered in an entirely different direction, one with more concrete results. After time in Africa, I got more interested in human nature and human reaction and decided to follow the footsteps of a family member. After not much thought, I decided I would pursue "the study of the soul" as my senior project.
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