Monday, April 27, 2015

Blog 19 - Independent Component 2


(a) : “I, Aaron Joseph Martinez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 52 hours and 30 minutes of work.”

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.

First, Michael B., and Harold Alan Pincus. "Developmental Disorders." Developmental Disorders. Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. 1-943. Print. DSM-IV-TR. 

(d) Explain what you completed. 

I conducted a series of one-to-one therapy sessions with individuals who agreed to answer a few preliminary questions in order to gauge where the school, as a whole, ranges on a moral to emotional scale. In return, I guaranteed the utmost of privacy concerning their answers were given. A range of people with a varied ethnicity, gender, and age were asked the same questions, all in i-Poly students. I asked the questions in hopes of getting statistics on where the youth of i-Poly is headed and what they may be thinking.

The questions asked and statistics received are as follows:

1. You're in a relationship and you've just discovered your partner or significant other has been cheating on you with someone who is the same sex as them, are you lenient at all towards them?

- Senior grade women were drastically less lenient. Senior grade men were more lenient. Female freshmen were hesitant on leniency. People in same sex relationships felt indifferent about the question, though would be hurt nonetheless.

2. If you had to choose between your mother and your father, who would you choose? (If not applicable, think metaphorical mother/father. ex) figurehead)

- Split evenly between men and women of all ages. No direct correlation between sexes and ages. All people preferred one over the other and nothing of note trended in between the sessions.

3. If you had to choose between your brother or your sister, who would you choose? (If not are applicable, think metaphorical brother/sister. ex) good friend)

- Split evenly between men and women of all ages. No direct correlation between sexes and ages. All people preferred one over the other and nothing of note trended in between the sessions.

4. Knowing yourself, are you more likely to become addicted to drugs, or alcohol?

- Majority of women said drugs. Majority of men said alcohol.

5. Would you cheat in a relationship?

- A majority of freshmen females said yes. Less upperclassmen girls said yes. A vast number of upperclassmen guys said no.

6. Would you flirt while in a relationship?

- A majority of freshmen females said no. A majority of upperclassmen girls said yes. A majority of upperclassmen guys said yes. The people who gave thought and hesitated when answering all said something along the lines of "not intentionally."

7. Would you find others attracted while in a relationship?

- Freshmen girls gave a resounding no. Upperclassmen women and guys both gave a yes, as a whole.

8. Flings and one night stands, would you do them?

- Freshmen gave an ew and never. As the age gap progresses, girls and guys were even with their answers, which was a yes. No was in the minority for this question.

9. Are you more introverted or extroverted?

- Split across sexes and ages. After evaluating the data, introverts were more likely to have one night stands and cheat rather than extroverts.

10. What is something you fear?

- (subjective answers) ex: clown, heights, emotional abandonment, butterflies, costumes etc.

11. What is something that makes you happy?

- (subjective answers) ex: music, youtube, movies, him, her, etc.

12. What is home to you?

- (subjective answers) ex: house, where the heart is, family, food, etc.

13. Do you like/hate/tolerate animals?

- Females greatly outnumbered guys in the "like" department concerning animals.

14. Do you hold grudges?

- Females greatly outnumbered guys when it come to holding grudges.

15. Would you take revenge?

- Guys greatly outnumbered girls when it came to acting out on one's emotions.

16. Are you forgiving?

- Hypocritical thought presented itself during this. A majority of guys and girls who said they were forgiving and would take revenge said that they, themselves, were forgiving individuals.

17. Would you say you're responsible?

- Freshmen were sided more to no. Upperclassmen greatly leaned towards yes.

18. Are you loyal?

- A majority of people who said they'd cheat also said they were loyal.

19. What is power to you?

- (subjective answers) ex: money, control over people, influence, respect, etc.

20. What is a flaw you see in yourself? Flaw is subjective, it's something you dislike and you wish you could change.

- (subjective answers) ex: skin, smile, personality, hair, voice, etc.

21. Are you self conscious?

- A majority of all people questioned said yes.

22. Do you tolerate things well?

- A majority of people who said zero leniency to cheating partner said they tolerate things well. Others that said yes to leniency, not so much.

23. Do you like/hate/tolerate kids?

- The number of women who liked animals differs greatly from the number of women who don't like kids. A majority of men tolerate/like kids.

24. What is family to you?

- (subjective answers) ex: home, where you're accepted, blood, etc.

25. When I say kill, what comes to mind?

- (subjective answers) ex: knife, if necessary, protect, bad, evil, hate, never, etc.

26. Are you more arrogant or confident?

- People who answered confident hesitated in answering. Arrogant people said they were arrogant affirmatively.

27. Are you honest?

- The individuals who said they'd cheat also said they were honest.

28. If you had to choose between friends and your family, who would you choose?

- Split results. No correlation between sexes and genders found.

29 Would do you think of betrayal?

- (subjective answers) ex: good, bad, worst, sucks, healthy, ok, etc.

30. In a rape scenario, would you rather be the victim, or the aggressor?

- Females barring a minuscule amount, said they'd rather be the victim. Men, barring a minuscule amount, said they'd rather be the aggressor.

How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped. 
My additional hours helped me understand my topic much better because I was applying everything I had learned through textbooks such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders and using the techniques mentioned in the middles of sessions. When dealing with certain people and the certain traits that make a consumer more prominent, I remembered the cautions stated in the DSM about trigger words or objects that may erupt responses, negative or positive, from consumers. I took these to my advantage during the one-to-one sessions and refrained from using authoritative words such as, should, now, and must when dealing with a consumer with possible emotional scars. I use all methods of one-to-one therapy, such as behavioral psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, and others to get the information needed. It was through scenarios like this that I fully realized the importance of study, patience, and proper understanding when dealing with sensitive issues and topics concerning people of different ages, sexes, and backgrounds.

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